Kensedeobong Okosun Kensedeobong Okosun

Long Live Tina Turner!

This Post is in loving memory of the iconic Ms. Tina Turner, “The Queen of Rock and Roll” who ascended to higher dimensions on the 24th of May, 2023.

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Kensedeobong Okosun Kensedeobong Okosun

What About the Children?

This post explores some children-themed songs. Yes, our children matter, as well. And there is room for them within the music landscape. Enjoy!

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Kensedeobong Okosun Kensedeobong Okosun

Songs for Mama

This is specially dedicated to all the great mothers of the world, who have stood against all odds, like patriarchy and lack of validation while executing the most important job on this planet, motherhood.

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Kensedeobong Okosun Kensedeobong Okosun

Music from the Land of Maples

Did you know that these artists are Canadians? This post highlights some of the best of musical artistry from Canada.

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Kensedeobong Okosun Kensedeobong Okosun

Hip, Hip, Hip, Happy!

Happiness is a state of being which is internally generated and independent of external factors. However, some songs, external as they are, do amplify and compliment this divine state. Check this playlist of happy songs, out!

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